Get Organised with Islamic Moments

Monday, 30 January 2017

Islamic Moments Notebook

It's still the beginning of the year, so it's not too late. Is there ever a better time to start? I mean, we haven't fully gotten into the year yet, and everyone is still on their "new years resolutions". If you haven't added this one to your list yet, maybe by the end of this post, you'll be that step closer to doing it. And yes, I'm talking about getting organised.

How To Make Your Old Sofa Look New Again!

Saturday, 28 January 2017

white plump sofa

Don't we all love a good plump sofa? A nice cushiony one that we can sink into and that will bounce right back even after we have sat on it for ages! One that even after you toddler has jumped his life out on it, it won't look like you've had it for 10 years. Yes, I certainly would, but even I know that's not always possible and that eventually our sofa's won't look so new anymore. 

How To Host A Tea Party? Here Are 10 Tips!

Sunday, 15 January 2017

strawberry cupcakes

Tea Parties! Who doesn't love them? I sure do! Or shall I just say tea in general? Okay so even if it's not a tea party, don't we all just love it? Tea, tea, tea, most of us have it several times a day. It's such a great beverage for several reasons. From that wake-up cuppa in the morning that you desperately crave after a rough night, to that comforting, toning down brew in the evening; your oasis of escape conveniently presented in a steaming sweet mug of goodness.

Alhamdulillah For Series Freebies!

Monday, 2 January 2017

alhamdulillah for series freebies

I have been feeling more and more grateful lately for everything I have been blessed with. A new year has begun and I cannot help but feel that I made it through a roller coaster of a year with all of the trials I faced. With everything that went on, I could not have made it without the wonderful people who helped and supported me.